



此生不复相见有时并非一件会产生疼痛感的事情。正因为如此,那些争吵,和那些亲吻,才会带着一种不计后果,不留后路的决绝,痛快!唯唯诺诺的人们又岂会知道,将一些人和事永久地镶嵌在记忆里,比起强颜欢笑,又何尝不需要更多的勇气。真的十分庆幸,我们都是这样缺乏技巧和直截了当的人,避免了今后很长一段时间的尴尬。 …

请你告诉我为何悲伤 Read More »

Wanna cry? Then cry.

The day when we took the grad photo, I got to the basketball court quite late. Because that day may be an important one, but it was here before I could realized that. The basketball court where we were supposed to take the photo was filled with people taking pictures with close friends and classmates. I had disliked taking or being taken photos, my skills of taking a good photo and showing smart in the photo are disappointing, whose reason maybe had been destined. Owen dashed to me and pulled me to their line where Enzo and Loïc also stood there. Flash! Ah, another ugly image was born because of me.

I hadn’t seen Enzo for long. We became quite estranged since he forsaken Irène a dozen of days after he went to Irène’s for the night and had sex with her when her parents were out. All of us in the same department knew that he may had liked his Arabian language teacher, Miss MA. I felt so shocked and gloomy when I came to know they three’s complicated relationship. While I don’t mean I had been involved in their nasty things but just because I thought that it was becoming increasingly difficult for us to know somebody well before we see his disgusting internal side. …

Wanna cry? Then cry. Read More »